Privacy Policy

Information provided pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree. n.196/2003 “Personal data protection code” to visitors to the Pils Pub website, starting from the address, with the exclusion of external links.
This site does not use or store user data for commercial purposes, other than those voluntarily sent in the contact form to request information.
The data collected through this site is divided into:

Navigation data
This category of data includes the IP addresses used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, and other parameters connected to the http protocol and relating to the user’s browser. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.

Legislative Decree n.196/2003, Art. 7 – Right of access to personal data and other rights.

1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form

2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:
to. of the origin of the personal data;
b. of the purposes and methods of processing;
c. of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
d. the identification details of the owner, managers and representative designated pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2;
And. of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them as designated representatives in the territory of the State, managers or agents.

3. The interested party has the right to obtain:
to. updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b. the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c. the certification that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:
to. for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
b. to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purposes of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies
A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on the user’s computer or mobile device by a website server and which can be read or retrieved by the server itself. It contains some information and allows the website to remember, for example, the user’s viewing preferences. The Directive on Electronic Communications and the Provision of the Privacy Guarantor of 8 May 2014, n. 229, regarding “Identification of simplifying methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies”, provide that the use of cookies can only be permitted with the user’s consent.

Why cookies are used
This site uses cookies for various reasons. In some parts of our site, cookies are essential to improve navigability and to make reading our services easier and more professional (cookies help page loading operations).

Types of cookies used
We have classified the cookies we use based on their type of use into:

1) TECHNICAL Cookies:
navigation or session and persistent
2) THIRD PARTY Cookies: Google Analytics

Browsing or session cookies.

They are used for the purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, and strictly necessary to allow specific requested functions that guarantee normal navigation and use of the website. These cookies can then be distinguished based on their persistence on the user’s terminal: those that are automatically deleted at the end of each navigation are called “session cookies”. If, on the other hand, they have a longer life, they are called permanent cookies.

We use navigation or session cookies to:
Avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of users’ browsing.
Manage personal preferences set by the user. The user’s prior consent is not required for the installation of these cookies. The use of these cookies does not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user.
No personal data of users is acquired by the site for this purpose.
Cookies are not used to transmit personal information.
We remind you that the user, by configuring his browser, can at any time disable the operation of cookies or be informed when he receives the cookies and deny consent to their sending.
With the exception of data collected automatically (browsing data), the provision of other information through designated forms or emails is free and spontaneous and failure to send it can only result in failure to satisfy any requests.
The place of data storage is the server of the provider that hosts this site for navigation data only, with the exception of cookies which are stored on your computers.

Persistent cookies
Persistent cookies are small data files that the server sends to the user’s browser when he accesses a website to let him access the pages requested and to monitor the pages visited. Persistent cookies are used to avoid showing the information banner on the use of cookies to the user who has read it and accepted the use of cookies by pressing the “I Accept” button and continuing browsing.

“Third party” cookies are linked to services provided by third parties, such as “Google Analytics GA4”. The third party provides these services in exchange for information about your visit to our site. This also entails the obligation for third-party cookie suppliers to comply with the relevant legislation. For this reason we refer to the links on the web pages of the third party site, where the user can find the cookie consent collection forms and their related information.
If the services are provided by indirect contacts with third parties, the user will have to link the sites of the subjects who act as intermediaries between us and the same third parties. We use third-party cookies to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users who visit the site. Cookies are not used to transmit personal information.

This type of service is functional to the centralized management of tags or scripts used on this Application.
The use of these services involves the flow of User Data through them and, if applicable, their retention.

Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager is a tag management service provided by Google LLC or by Google Ireland Limited, depending on how the Data Controller manages the processing of Data.
Personal Data processed: Tracking Tools.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.


The “Help” section of your browser should be able to help you manage your cookie settings. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can change your browser so that you are informed when they are sent. It is also possible to delete cookies that have already been stored at any time, via your browser settings.

More information about cookies:

Cookie Policy

No personal data of users is acquired by the site for this purpose. No cookies are used to transmit personal information, nor are user tracking systems used. The use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and secure exploration efficient site. The so-called Session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the privacy of users’ browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user.

Optional nature of providing data
Except for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what is requested.

Rights of interested parties

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data from the data controller, at the following e-mail address: to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration, updating or rectification (art. 7 of the decree no. 196 of 2003).
Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.

Legal notices

The owner of the web domain: “” authorizes navigation and use of the same site as provided in this legal disclaimer note. Failure by the owner to exercise any right deriving from this Legal Note and from any other notice and information published on the site will in no case constitute a waiver of that right. All contents of this website are to be considered exclusively informative and do not constitute and do not replace professional advice. For this purpose, you may request to be contacted to make an appointment to request opinions or professional activities. The site does not provide any type of express or implicit guarantee that the information contained corresponds to the requirements and expectations of the user, or that it is stable, convenient, safe and error-free, furthermore no guarantee is provided to the user regarding the results and objectives that can be obtained from the use of the aforementioned website regarding the truthfulness and/or reliability of any content published there.
The owner assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss of data, information, costs, expenses, damages suffered by the user or third parties due to delay, incorrect or failure to obtain information, restrictions or loss of access, difficulties or problems of any kind , errors, unauthorized use during access to the site, or in relation to the other forms of interaction within it. Downloading or obtaining content through the use of the site will take place at the user’s choice and risk and therefore, the same will be exclusively responsible for any damage or loss of data connected to such operations. Under no circumstances can the owner be held responsible for failure or incorrect compliance by the user with any legal or regulatory procedure in relation to this Legal Note.
This website does not represent a newspaper or similar and is updated without any periodicity, exclusively based on the updating contributions of professional interest of the owner of the site, therefore, it cannot be considered in any way an editorial product pursuant to Law no. 62 of 7/03/2001, published in the Official Journal no. 67 of 21 March 2001.
This Legal Notice may be modified by the owner at any time and without notice. The user is therefore required to periodically consult the Legal Note in order to check for any updates. This Legal Notice shall be considered valid for the user in the version published on the site at moment of navigation.
Any form of fraudulent use and/or use or copying of the content of this domain, including through so-called spam techniques, is prohibited and will be prosecuted in accordance with the laws in force at the time.

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